
About the Boys

All great things have humble beginnings, and all bands start with the musicians behind them.

Before there was a band, there were the boys.
Caiden Jones, Andrew McGowan, and Michael Shryne would meet at a little storage unit in St Augustine, Florida, and jam time and time again without an idea of where it would lead. They only knew that they wanted to make music and enjoy the company of friends. 

Infernocide was born in the year 2020 when Andrew McGowan, Michael Shryne, and Caiden Jones came back together after falling out for a year.

Lord Drewcifer

Drew “Drewcifer” Mcgowan

Drummer for the band, and overall tall guy. He’s usually breaking a sweat behind the kit or out getting the know the fans. No one takes their playing as seriously as he does, and no one has sweat as much for their art as he has. He’s had ups and downs, but his drive for the project is something to look out for.

Master Shryne

Michael “Master” Shryne.

Lead singer for the band and the headman you’ll see working the crowd. He’s the one putting out the word, and working the controls at the mixing table. You may have seen his art around town either in band memorabilia, or through his fine art.

Caveman Jones

Caiden “Caveman” Jones

 This reclusive beast is the soul of the band. His powerful rhythm guitar moves the crowd to bang their heads. While he may not express it visually, his passion exudes from his guitar. Nothing stops him once he gets moving.

Steve Demon

Steve “Demon” French

 He’s the lead guitarist for the band. This dude is a chill guy with lots of experience. Not many out there can work a whammy bar like he can. His solos make a track shine, and he can drink you under the table as well.

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